Year 3 STEM – LEGO® SPIKE™ Prime Robotics workshop RAF Cosford

Dear Parent/Carer,

Your child will have an excellent opportunity to participate in an exciting STEM robotic workshop on the 21st June 2024. This visit links with STEM learning which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

During this interactive workshop, students will expand their knowledge by building and coding a SPIKE™ Prime robot, learning through play and exploring the concepts of science, engineering and physics in action.

They will learn the basics of coding alongside teamwork skills and the importance of perseverance when initial concepts do not work.

The cost of the workshop is £9.20 voluntary contribution. We need enough voluntary contributions in order for this experience to take place.

If your child is eligible for school dinners, please indicate if you require it to be provided for your child.

Ensure your child wears weather-sensible clothing and footwear, has a water bottle and sun cream if required.

Please make payment and give consent via your child’s Scopay account under trips and events no later than the 3rd of June 2024.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

Year 3 team

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